Pink Army
The Pink Army is the name given to our team of wonderful volunteers.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation. Without them, the vast majority of the activities of the Foundation would not be possible.
We rely on volunteers to help us provide important supportive care services to those in the community living with breast cancer and to assist with our fundraising events.

Shopping Centre Stalls
HBCF are always looking for volunteers to help us run community stalls at Hunter shopping centres. We set up stalls at centres across the Hunter to sell merchandise, raise funds and promote our supportive care services to our clients.
Whether you can help for a 3-4 hour shift or commit to multiple shifts across a week, we would love to hear from you.

Event Volunteering
You’re out and about in the community at either a HBCF Signature Event or Community run fundraising event and will come across all sorts of people who have been touched by breast cancer. As a volunteer for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation, you’ll also be representing us and increasing awareness about the important work we are doing in the community.

Volunteer Sewing
Do you love to sew? Well we have a fantastic job for you! We are constantly keeping up a demand in the communiy to supply comfort cushions to hospitals in our region. These cushions are lovingly made by volunteers for those who have undergone surgery in the Hunter region. They are used by patients who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy and assist with physical recovery.

patient transport driving
Pink Army Volunteers assist to take Hunter patients to their breast cancer related medical appointments. Patients living 30km+ from Newcastle area can access the Volunteer Driver Program to receive support getting to and from treatment. We’d love a commitment of one drive per week but understand life gets busy! We are currently looking for more volunteer drivers to support this program.
Volunteer Today
If you are interested in volunteering for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation in any capacity, we would love to hear from you.
Please contact Emily Dwyer on 0477 760 667
Stay Connected
Keep up to date and show your support for Hunter residents affected by breast cancer.