
Ritchies Community Benefit Program

Our Fundraising Partner Ritchies IGA have added The Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation to its Community Benefit Program which will not only benefit our organisation but also all our members.
Each time you scan your card (either physical card or electronic card in the App) when making a purchase, the total is recorded to your chosen club, school or charity.
At the end of each month, Ritchies will pay HBCF .5% of the total accrued.

Join Today

The Ritchies Community Benefit Program has been supporting clubs, schools and charities since 1993. Over $50 million has been distributed to date.
  • Use the app every time you shop and Ritchies will reward a % of your spend to HBCF.
  • Monthly promotions, cheaper prices for you, Ritchies dollars, collect and win, as well as games and lots more fun things to do..

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy. Simply click here to join the free Ritchies Card program, log into your new account or app, click on the “Community” section and follow the prompts.  Just search for Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation in the list of organisations.

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HBCF Wellness Hub Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Are you undergoing active treatment for breast cancer?*
Please indicate your treatment status here.
Are you located in the Hunter Region of NSW Australia?*
Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation supports Hunter residents with breast cancer and their families. If you are located outside the Hunter Region, please contact your local support service.
Your Address*
Access Request*