
Meet Michelle

The day after Mother’s Day in 2020, with NSW gripped by the first phase of a COVID-19 lockdown, Michelle Kent received the devasting news that she had breast cancer … a ‘nasty one’, as her GP apologetically described it.

Facing a whirlwind of treatments, Michelle was forced to stop work as a psychologist, which added a huge amount of financial stress and ultimately threatened the schooling future of her children Bailey and Mimi. That’s when friends encouraged her to reach out to the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation.

Michelle applied for, and received, HBCF Virginia Rigby Scholarships for both children – valued collectively at almost $5000. This vital support ensured they could stay at their current schools, which meet their specific education needs.

HBCF also provided a Care Pack of personal care items tailored for oncology patients, along with a delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables.

A mowing service was provided for Michelle’s Medowie home and cleaners go in fortnightly – “This was on top of my list,” Michelle says appreciatively. “The house was a pig sty and, like most women, I couldn’t cope with that.”

Fuel vouchers were also offered to assist with the expense of getting to and from medical appointments and, if Michelle was unable to drive herself, a hire car was provided.

Michelle has some ongoing health conditions, while also suffering from persistent fatigue – lawns and cleaning are still in place because of this.

“I thought the support would stop after my treatments finished but they understood that I still don’t have the energy for it,” she says. “As soon as I contacted the Foundation it was a personal relationship.  They met my needs head-on in a really practical way, which had a daily impact. I can’t thank them enough or loud enough.”

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