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Jeremy, Nikki and the team at Insurance Advisernet would love for you to participate in their very first charity golf day, with all money raised going towards the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation.

Get your clubs ready for a fantastic day of fun, networking,  helping a wonderful local charity and of course.. golf!

Location: Pacific Dunes Golf Course, Medowie
Date: 30 September 2022
Time: Breakfast from 7.00am for an 8.00am shotgun start

 Start the day with a great bacon and egg breakfast.


4 person Ambrose with Golf Carts followed by lunch, raffles and an auction.

$135 per person (Inc. Breakfast, lunch & golf cart)
Sponsor a hole for $1,000 (Inc. 4 players, cart, breakfast, lunch & signage on hole)

RSVP by 9th September to kvigers@iaa.net.au or 02 6551 8712

HBCF Wellness Hub Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Are you undergoing active treatment for breast cancer?*
Please indicate your treatment status here.
Are you located in the Hunter Region of NSW Australia?*
Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation supports Hunter residents with breast cancer and their families. If you are located outside the Hunter Region, please contact your local support service.
Your Address*
Access Request*