
Pink Charity Golf Day

HBCF are a completely independent, not-for-profit, local charity raising funds for breast cancer families in the local area. We are Hunter People helping Hunter People. We are excited to announce our Pink Charity Golf Day will be on March 18th 2022. Funds raised through this event will fund HBCF’s supportive care services for local breast

Give back this CHRISTMAS

This year has been incredibly big for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation and the local breast cancer community. Throughout COVID-19 breast cancer didn’t stop. And neither did we. Thanks to the support of the Hunter community, HBCF provided more than 2,900 practical and immediate support services across the Newcastle region in 2021. HBCF are so

HBCF movie night

Thursday, 4th November 2021 Event Cinema Kotara, V-Max Cinema Arrive from 6:00PM for a 7:00PM movie start Join us for a lovely spring night out to support local women through breast cancer. This exciting movie event will be a fabulous fundraising experience complete with exclusive tickets to the movie premier of Respect, featuring the life story

Meet Michelle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu_Kal0e5Xc The day after Mother’s Day in 2020, with NSW gripped by the first phase of a COVID-19 lockdown, Michelle Kent received the devasting news that she had breast cancer … a ‘nasty one’, as her GP apologetically described it. Facing a whirlwind of treatments, Michelle was forced to stop work as a psychologist, which

Give back this CHRISTMAS

This year has been incredibly big for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation and the local breast cancer community. Throughout COVID-19 breast cancer didn’t stop. And neither did we. Thanks to the support of the Hunter community, HBCF provided 2,000 practical and immediate support services across the Newcastle region in 2020. HBCF are so pleased to

Make it Pink – Shave it Off

October is national breast cancer awareness month, and also marks one year since Annie’s family was directly affected by this disease.  On the 3rd of October 2019 Annie’s Mum, Bridget, was diagnosed with breast cancer which hit their family hard. “The last 12 months have been a struggle not just for her but for the

HBCF Wellness Hub Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Are you undergoing active treatment for breast cancer?*
Please indicate your treatment status here.
Are you located in the Hunter Region of NSW Australia?*
Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation supports Hunter residents with breast cancer and their families. If you are located outside the Hunter Region, please contact your local support service.
Your Address*
Access Request*